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[Va Enterprise]

John Sparks, of Sparks & Tinnin, the greatest of all the great cattle firms on the Pacific Coast, arrived in Reno Tuesday morning from the range country in Eastern Nevada and Southern Idaho. He has ridden 400 miles in the saddle since the 11th of January, says the Journal, and says there has been two seasons when the losses were greater than for the past season. He does not think the losses on all their range country will amount to ten per cent. The chinook wind left the hills high and dry and the cattle found plenty to browse upon, and as a result there is no loss to speak of. Sparks has been riding from Elko into Southern Idaho, and is well pleased that the great firm, of which he is the leading member, has escaped so luckily. He asserts, beyond question, that the Nevada ranges will not lose 10 per cent., on the average, and that Nevada is the best range country, storms or no storms, in the United States.

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