Thursday May 15, 1890
An Original Suggestion for the Coming Fourth -- A Ball-Tossing Problem.
The distance between the First and Fourth Ward school-houses is about a mile. Now, supposing that a series of first-class baseball catchers and tossers were stationed, say 100 feet or more apart, how long would it take to pass a ball from one point to another? Could it be done in two minutes or ten? Here is a suggestion for a Fourth of July contest between two extensive clubs, ranged on either side of the street, for a prize of $100 -- red club, red ball; blue club, blue ball. This original idea could be elaborated upon indefinitely and very interestingly between the two divides which represent the north and south extremes of the street in view of everybody. The home station might be established at either end, or in the middle -- at Taylor street, for instance. One ball or a dozen could pass over the route at the same time, as agreed upon by the contesting clubs. Balconies on both sides of the street crowded with spectators, red and blue flags announcing the progress of the balls; ladies waving handkerchiefs; brass band playing "Hail to the Chief," and all that sort of thing; thousands of dollars bet on the result; great enthusiasm; national game; American eagle; oyster supper for the winners. Let one ambitious baseballist study over the novel proposition. The glorious Fourth will occur at usual time.
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