Mother, 2 sisters & 2 babies -- Oldest sister played organ & sang very sweetly -- Walter played violin home, & I playd some & we spent very agreeable evening -- went to bed at Capitol Hotel at 10 -- A very worrisome night -- About half as much snow in BM as in Austin -- About 6 inches -- I telegraphed to wife, Laughton, and John Smyth, telling them of my detention, this PM --
telegram Snow at B M Summerfield
Sunday Jan 4
Cloudy & chilly -- Got telegram from Smyth this moring: "Delays are dangerous -- Come right down -- Prospects bright" -- I replied that the train was on time, & I would be in Carson in morning, sure -- Wrote Letterto Gibson enclosing my Post office box key and one to Summerfiled to send me my shoes to Carson by express --
Off for Reno! Arrive VI Happy Family reunion
Sent him the keys of my room -- The west bound train was delayed 1 1/2 hours -- I got away from B M at 12:30 PM, for Reno -- Gave Walter Davis 50 cents to get off a telegram to wife that I was en route -- Train made up its lost time by the time we reached Wadsworth, and was sharp on time at Reno, reaching there at 8:10 -- Met wife and Millie at depot and found the children and mother all right when I reached home -- Happy reunion -- Had cup of tea & some toast etc -- Bed at 10 -- Little or no snow in Reno -- Had be separated from my family since last New Years Day -- over a year --
Legislature Organizes I was elected Engrossing clerk of the Senate in the Caucus last evening -- Carson
Monday Jan 5
Clear & pleasant -- principally -- Rose at 5 1/2 - light breakfast -- Mary went to depot with me, & at 7:10 I took passage on the V & T train for Reno -- Met several old acquaintances on the train, and ever so many more when I reached Carson -- Tom Tennent, the Enrolling clerk elect of the Senate met me when I stepped off the cars & took me in charge -- told me I was elected Engrossing clerk of the Senate, in the caucus last evening, with no opposition at all -- At 12 N the two Houses met and organized -- New members of the Senate sworn in -- Then the attaches were duly elected and also sworn in -- Some resolutions relative to time, to be consumed by this session, and relative to the Government lands in this State
I in Carson -- Carry the News to Mary No snow in Carson & Reno -- FRank Doten
were passed and discussed -- Both Houses adjourned at 2 PM till tomorrow -- Evening at 7 sent off letter by train to my wife, I also sent her a telegram, this morning, telling her of my entire success -- I was about town this evening -- seeing the sights etc -- Bed at 12 at my room in Tom Tennent's house -- Met ever so many friends today, from all parts of the country. No snow here in Carson, at all -- Almost none in Reno -- Met Frank Doten on the street this AM -- He was in from Bodie, & would return with his team in 3 or 4 days.
Telegram from Gibson My P.O Box Wm Gibson AP Cohen
Tuesday Jan 6
The same -- Another and better bed put into my room today, also writing table, etc --
Also lace curtains to windows -- Got some writing paper, envelopes and ink, at Secy of State's office -- At noon got telegram from Gibson, Austin: "Has the Governor made the appointment of County Commissioner? Answer" -- Went down & interviewed the Gov and then telegraphed: "Will about Saturday -- I think Particulars by letter tonight" -- PM I wrote letters to wife and Gibson, and to A P Cohen, telling him to send my Enterprise to me here & not to Austin -- Also took PO Box 97 for my own private use -- paid 2 for it -- Evening about town awhile -- Bed at 11 --
New underclothes Shoes arrive Sardis Summerfield
Wednesday Jan 7
Clear & pleasant but blustering -- Was about town -- Bought 2 pr woolen drawers & undershirts for $6 -- and 3 pr wool socks for $1 -- total $7 -- My shoes arrived per express, from Austin this morning -- expressage, 45 cents -- Evening at home -- Sketched off in pencil a very long letter to Sardis Summerfield Austin, relative to his packing up the things in my room for me, and forwarding the same to Reno or here -- big job for him -- Got letter from him this morning -- Bed at 1 - Clear & cold with high wind, threatening a storm --
J A Wright Appointed Commissioner Enterprise 75 Gus Bauer
Thursday Jan 8
Clear & very pleasant -- About town -- Wrote letter to J A Wright, Austin, relative
to his appointment as Commissioner of Lander County in place of John Schulze, resigned -- He was appointed this morning by the Governor, and I telegraphed the news to him at once -- Evening I commenced Enterprise No 75 -- Wrote till 4 and went to bed --
Friday Jan 9
Cloudy -- Finished Enterprise 75 & put it in mail to go tomorrow morning -- At 6:55 PM I took passage on train for Reno -- Gus Bauer on board en route for San Francisco -- He came in from Austin a day or 2 ago & went to Comstock, & got back here this morning -- Arrived at Reno at 8 oclock -- wife and Sammy met me at depot, &
Home at Reno Truckee River
we went home together -- Bed at 11 -- after a very pleasant evening with my family
Saturday Jan 10
Cloudy but pleasant -- All hands at breakfast together for 1st time for over a year -- Whole family of 8 around the table -- After that, wife & I took a walk down town -- Went to Post office & shopping -- Met old man Davis and Morris Davis at their cigar & fancy goods stand in the Post office building -- Then we walked around by the bridge & gazed upon the roaring Truckee river -- more swollen than I have ever seen it -- Blue, cold flashing water -- looked very refreshing -- Home -- At 3 PM I went down town again -- Met several old acquaintances, among other EA Moore ("Brad" Moore) He is in the honey raising business -- Went
Brad Moore' Bees & Honey
with him to his place just wouth of town, on foot, & he showed me his big lot of patent hives, bees, etc, Gave me a couple of nice combs of honey to take home - 1 lb each - Home at 5 - We had a good fish supper of herrings & flounders - Then wife & I took a walk down town to Post Office, etc - Big light in direction of Virginia all evening as though fire there - Home at 8 - Jolly evening with family Bed at 11 -
Chinese Funeral Sunday Jan 11 Morning just before day came quite a smart rein for an hour or so - I was at home most of day - At 2 PM I went to a high-toned Chinese funeral at Chinatown in an open space in midst of the town as the corpse in a fine American casket, on trestles - At fot of coffin was a table with the usual repulation roast hog, mounted on a tray, dished of apples and cakes, some queer looking sausage or candy fixings etc - On the ground near the table legs were 4 little cups of ta and a tea-pot and whole handsful of burning rushes were stuck in vases near by - The Doctor & his assistant with white bandages around their heads were on their hands and knees on a mt, and a large cncourse of Chinamen were gathered
Chinese uneral Brother Sam around = After awhile the band wagon started. It had a player of huge cmybals, a little drummer, a player on a sort of (flageolet) and a gong player - A few white people were among the spectators - The music exasperated the horses of the