the violation of its provisions" -- This was a re-engrossment -- The other was "An Act to prevent discrimination in freights by Railroad companies whose railroads, whether broad or narrow gauge run through or partly through the State of Nevada" -- First was 3 pages, & last 6 pages -- Took me till 5 -- Didnt go to bed at all -- Miss Snyder got through with her part of the big bill, & I straightened the
Big Bill [illegible] 37 bills
whole racket our & put it together -- 62 engrossed pages -- This makes 37 bills I have handled thus far --
Monday March 2
The same -- No bed last night -- At 6 AM went down to Clark's office, but couldn't find Rives, my military bill assistant -- Got through his job & gone to bed -- He got round about 9 1/2 AM to my office with his job -- Miss Snyder came and helped me read all my bills by copy -- correcting mistakes included, It took us just five hours of steady, quick work -- Got educational bill through last, at 3 PM & took over to Powell, in State Capital -- in Senate. He reported all my
Win 1/2 a gold Headed cane
bills correctly engrossed -- got all into the Senate, or into hands of my committee at 3 1/2 PM -- a genuine cleanup -- Got no more bills today -- Evening about town -- Bed at 1 -- And very tired & sleepy -- Both Houses holding night sessions now -- Raggle for Mort. Glover's gold headed cane came off the evening -- Myself and
Getchel tied on 41 -- so we own a goldheaded cane in partnership --
Kate Castleton
Tuesday March 3
Rose at 10 AM after a very refreshing sleep -- Attended session today -- but got no further bills to engross -- Evening I took Assemblyman A T Stearns of White Pine to the theatre -- Kate Castleton and a small dramatic company -- Fair house -- miserable play, "At Sea" in fact whole thing a decided bilk -- Was about town afterward -- went with Stearns & had fresh oysters on the half shell -- Bed at 1 --
Cleveland Inaugurated 38 Bills My last Bill
Wednesday March 4
The same -- Heavenly day for weather -- Flags flying on the public buildings, in honor of Inauguration Day, President Cleveland taking his seat today -- Got, I think, my last bill to engross, at 10:30 AM : Senate Bill No 138, "An Act to provide for the Maintenance of the Organized Militia of the State of Nevada, and other matter relating thereto" -- Got Miss Snyder to help me, & it made four pages -- She wrote and I read -- & it only took an hour -- Fixed title, "history," etc, in good shape and sent it in at 12 -- Goes into the PM session -- PM & evening attended session -- very lively -- Bed at 1 1/2 --
Legislature Adjourns Out of the job
Thursday March 5
The same -- Attended session fully, it being last day -- lots of ladies present, and many men from the Comstock, Reno and elsewhere -- Very lively legislation -- I got a resolution through, giving me $60 to settle my extra help in engrossing, & a few dollars for myself -- Sargeant at arms sent wagon & got my table, and stove, & took them to the capitol for storage for the next Legislature, 2 yrs hence -- Evening the third House prevailed for a couple of hours in Senate chamber, lots of fun -- lots of ladies present -- Legislature adjourned sine die at midnight -- I was about for couple of hours & went to bed at 2 -- Out of my Job -- "Othello's occupations gone" -- The resolution which I wrote and passed through the Senate
My resolution Exodus from Carson
today was as follows: Resolved, -- That J W Powell, Chairman of the Engrossing Committee, be, and he is hereby allowed, out of the Legislative Fund the sum of sixty dollars, in full for extra Engrossing work during the present session of the Legislature And the State Controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his warrant on the State Treasurer for said amount, in favor of Mr Powell
Friday March 6
The same -- About town -- Over half the legislators, etc, left this day for their respective homes, and not a few of the outsiders went up to Va to attend Piper's big benefit ball tonight, at his new Opera House -- Big affair -- I settled my
Engrossing Payment Doc Hammond Telegram from Austin Gibson
engrossing bills, giving Rives $17.10 or $18, and Miss Lillie Schneider $12, making $30 in all and leaving $30 for my extra work -- PM received telegram from Postmaster Gibson, Austin, "Are you to have charge of Reveille? Number anxious know" -- I replied I know nothing of it -- Please write me tonight" -- Also got letter from Doctor Hammond regarding his bill against the Mullen estate -- Wrote letter to Gibson & sent it by evening train -- About town awhile -- Bed at 12 -- Had to pay State controller $3 for my lamp -- couldn't confiscate it --
#60 Enterprise 81
Saturday March 7
The same -- About town in AM -- Got my $60 balance due for engrossing -- so now I have over $100 in my pocket -- PM wrote Enterprise 80 -- Mailed at 6 1/2 PM & left for Reno -- Most of Legislators gone & town loks deserted -- On arrival at Reno found wife and Sammy at depot to meet me -- The west bound train came in just then, and on board were 21 people from Austin going to San Francisco to hear Patti, and to meet Emma Wixom (Emma Nevada) the famous singer, formerly of Austin -- They were Allen A Curtis & wife, Gus Bauer & wife, Mrs Starratt & son Charlie, Mrs Prisk, Harry Creswell and others -- I met most of them & exchanged conversatonal courtesies -- Found all right at home -- Bed at 10 --
At Reno James Crawford dead
Sunday March 8
The same -- About town and home most of day -- Took walk, after dinner with wife
Bessie, Sammy & Alf, around by the railroad bridge, etc -- Bed at 9 --
Monday March 9
AM cloudy -- PM clear and pleasant -- Took morning train at 7:10 -- Oliver Byron dramatic company on board from Sacrament to play in Va tonight -- The remains of James Crawford, Supt of the Mint were also on baord -- He died at Oakland Cal,
Como Crawford dead At Virginia City The Enterprise
yesterday morning, of fatty degereration of the heart and liver, or heart disease -- About my age -- At Carson the Masons were on had, in regalia, etc, to receive the remains of Crawford, as he was a member of that Order -- I went on up to Virginia -- Met lots of the old boys everywhere -- Took a couple of choice ruby silver specimens to Dr Cole -- Went to Enterprise office and had a confab with Col Shaw, the editor and Cohen, the bookkeeper, and agreed to go to work on the paper in place of Dan DeQuille, at $30 per week, as soon as I get back from a trip to Austin -- Took the 5:25 PM train for Carson -- Evening in town -- Postmaster D O Adkison of Virginia & I cruised about together awhile -- went to the White House & saw
Crawford Statistician Declined C P Soule Reno
Crawford in his csket -- looked as natural as life -- more so than any corpse I ever saw -- Home and bed at 1 -- got letter from C P Soule, Austin, at Post office --
Tuesday March 10
Clear -- AM about town -- PM, at funeral of Crawford -- Big one -- 58 carriages -- Carson Guard, with drim and fife for escort -- taken to cemetary -- Packed up my