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Mon. , May 20, 1974 Dear Eleanor , Just made it to pick up the watch, so I think I'll set off for Chicago tonight. Thanks for everything. My next address is : c/o Mrs. Ralph Campbell 366 Hilkest Court Crystal Lake, Ill. 60014 (815) 459 - 0230
Sorry the session with your friend Barbara seemed so difficult. Of course I'm delighted to have the privilege of showing this recording in my own classroom. I just couldn't help but think as I faced all those restrictions of the potentional values I wish could be shared with a larger
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2. Audience in exposure to this great personality. Perhaps when Marian Anderson has her own copy to view she , too, will see the possibilities for a wider shaving Meanwhile, I am deeply grateful for the privilege of meeting her & of obtaining this tape for my students. If you find that she would approve an excerpt ( ? ) the Today Show, Let me know Meanwhile Sincerely & appreciatively Margaret