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Mrs. Harold L. Ickes Headwaters Farm Olney, Maryland
February 26, 1954
My dear Miss Anderson:
Friends of mine in Cleveland are especially eager to have you attend the dinner there on April 25 which is being given for the benefit of Wilberforce College. The Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Humphrey, is expected to address the group and other distinguished men and women will be present. So strongly do my friends feel that your presence would insure the success of the occasion that they have asked me to send this word to you on their behalf.
You may have heard that volume one of Harold's diaries is out. Volume two is scheduled for publication on May 4, and it is in this volume that he tells the story of your triumph on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. It would give me very real pleasure personally to present you with a copy of this book. Will you be in the east at that time?
With best wishes to you, I am,
Cordially yours, Jane D. Ickes
Miss Marian Anderson Danbury, Connecticut.