p. 61
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[Friday, February 2, 1951]
Up at 5:45 out of train at 6 +.
Porter 1.50. hotel red cap 50. tips
breakfast and lunch .80
Good and cold outside, rehearsal
at 3:30 dinner tip .40, then con-
cert not too bad. Eric Leinsdorf
and his wife were there and want-
ed us for a party afterwards. We
could not accept. Martha Davis
returned to hotel with us and wait-
ed until I dressed for the train.
We had a snack at the station
and boarded the train. Porter .65 Pull-
man porter for moving me to another
car .75 magazine .25 Retired at [11?]
Flowers from M. Davis, .25 tip bell boy.
Wire to Mr Crawford 1.16
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