p. 4



Status: Complete

10 sheets
10 cases

Mr Nelson N.J. Council
on the Art 2 day affair
Feb. 11th sunday
letter gone to office

performance in Bergen County
Workshop sponsored by Y M H A

Deels El[?]
at Yale Willie Ruff
Center for African studies

Kingman Brewster
President Yale
Fellowship program
Oct 6 + 7 + 8

Couservatorey without walls

Inventor in New Haven
will help fund the venture

dates of party Sept 20
21-25 or 26th

already raised 50.000
Stop + Shop
re Duke Ellington- 772 - 1700 room 1012

Mrs Margaret Raynolds Newtown
Oct 7th at 5 426-4304

Notes and Questions

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The image displayed above really needs to be separated into 2 different images [verso/recto] rather than as an opening. It appears this is the same across the board for this diary.

CT - 06/02/2020