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J Bernard McDonnell
Public Relations
425 Transportation Bldg.
Washington, D.C.

April 5, 1939

Miss Marian Anderson
[c/o?] Commissioner Delaney,
New York, N.Y.

My dear Miss Anderson,
The following is in response to the request you made on the train
following your Easter Sunday concert at Lincoln Memorial for a list of persons to whom you
might write personal letters of thanks for their work in bringing to fruition such an
event and triumph for yourself. You might write to:

The Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes
The Assistant Secretary of the Interior Oscar Chapman
Dr. Mordecai Johnson, President, Howard University
Mr. Charles A. Houston, Chairman, Citizens Committe for the Marian
Anderson Concert, 615 F. St., N.W.

I am sorry I was unable to get the list to you before but the day
following the concert I scratched my eye and an infection laid me up with bandaged eyes
until a day or two ago. It was a trifling scratch and would not have been worth bothering
with except for the slight infection. However the eye is all right and will be normal in
a few days.

Washington still is talking about the concert. There were thousands
present but, judging from comments I hear on all sides, there were many other thousands
listening on their radios at home because they feared the traffic jam which, thanks to
our police escort, we practically escaped.

You might, of course, drop a note to Gov. and Mrs. Gifford Pinchot,
whose home address is 1615 Rhode Island avenue, N.W.

If at any time I can be of any service to you, please let me know.
For my part I am glad to have had a small part in that historic event which was carried
off with siuch dignity and decorum on the part of the great audience as well as by

Sincerely Yours,
J Bernard McDonnell [signature]

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