p. 3
Mr. DePreist
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We plan to compile a team that will insure that the program will
be substantive and visually stunning. Perhaps more appropriately
stated we want our program to sing. [!] The program woud air
nationally over the Public Broadcasting Service.
Enclosed for your review is a copy of the proposal on Ms.
Anderson which provides in greater detail information about the
documentary. I hope you enjoy reading the proposal. I have
taken the liberty of including some additional information about
Many people are fans of your work with the Portland Symphony
Orchestra myself included. I also recently listened to the radio
program on Marian Anderson in the Unsung Heroes series produced
by WETA radio in 1981. To this end I thought it would be
wonderful if our documentary could somehow engage your
participation. Clearly your input in our project would be
important to its success. We fully realize that your schedule
may be very busy. Despite this I thought I would nevertheless
try to see if there would be any interest on your part. If there
is an interest we would make every effort to arrange our
production schedule to accomodate your schedule.
I look forward to hearing your reactions to our proposal. I will
be in contact with your office within the next couple of weeks.
Or please feel free to contact me. I can be reached at
703-998-2609 or 2669.
WETA is very excited about developing a program on Marian
Anderson. I hope you share our enthusiasm after you read the
I thank you in advance for your consideration of the Marian
Anderson project.
Very truly yours,
Tamara E. Robinson
Vice President
Cultural Affairs Programming
cc: Dante James
Averi Livingston
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