p. 39




Status: Complete


in the Bigness of two Walnuts of powderd
Sal Ammoniac [sofly] powderd. let it stew
well, pour it into a Cone, & you will have
white Copper -- If you will make it better
Rx [recipe] of this Copper ℔ [pound] i [1] - add of Silver Wire ℥ [ounce] ii [2]--
melt them together with Sal. Ammon:
& you will have a good Metal, as often
as you melt it you must add Sal Ammon:
& it will be malleable_ & when you work
it, you must let it glow gently, & cool
again__& when heat it gently pour the
Thickest State, till it is thinner, & fit for
the Hammer, for if you beet it hot it
will work well you must observe, +
the oftener you warm it + beil it qurlly[quickly]
the better it will be_
You may make where its if
thu, + draw it to wire, but you must
observe, when it is ready, to neal it, + clean

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The verb bail for loops which are made of wire.