p. 41
[Sal alcali] [sic] Then Rx [recipe] of the best Zink ʒ [dram] iiii [4] Tutty aa + the [t?]of a walnut of Venetian Borax, mix & throw these into the Crucible, & it will immediately crackle, & you will have a light yellow Matter with a yellow Flame rise up, when this is by degrees gone off + well worked. Stir the [shaves?] well with an iron wire till it is burnt + the Copper remains very hot in the Flux, Pour it into an Ingot well smeared with wax, +you may ham mer it + draw it to wire, + it will work + look like the best Gold.
NB This is exactly given in the School of Arts under the name of Aurum sophisticum_ Pag:35.t.sol
[double line]
p. 42
A beautiful Foil for precious or false Stone w ch [which] exceeds all others.
[double line]
Cut a Piece of Pewter as thick as the back of a knife exactly the Size of the Stone + put it into the Setting, put upon it some good [punfeu?] Quicksilver, + it will stick set the Stone upon this just to [saithety?] + the Stone will have a beautiful [keeske?], the Quicksilver will be even upon the Pewter. Foil.
[double line]
13. To bleach Linnen very well + soon
[double line]
wash it in warm water , + then dip it in a good deep Pot
p. 43
13 Ashes _ wash it out in clean water, + Lay it upon the grass in fine weather for 7 or [8?] days all night to receive the dew + then wash it again with the same [lee?]
[double line]
14 To clean Tapestry + Needlewerk
[double line] Beat them well to get out all the Dust, + then do the over with [whiting?] and water, + [bbb] when dry brush it well with [a herd?]Brush. When it has been in the Air 7 or 8 hours, + is quite dry, repeat this, + beet [brush] it with
15 To purify well that have been closed for some time.
p. 44
it down with a String as far as the water, then fire the Gun Powder with a hot Tool, + it will clean the well of every noxious vapor.
[double line]
16. To Kill Buggs.
[single line]
Mix Oil of Turpentine with the Neapolitan Ointment, + smear the Bedstead, + peel into the [ottebes?] where the Buggs are + they will be destroyed.
[double line] 17 To [Colo le tterine?] - Pigment for Wood of the Artilery [double line] at Gibralter [Goent OZEH] Rx[recipe] Pitch 10 tt + Tar tty as much Rosen tty + 1 Quart [Fabuin?] Oil Grease or oil as will give it the Consistence of Paint, melt these together
p. 45
[in the left margin] [Brukdun tty and R.B. You sneerl have two Keltty to wife oltemately fer large werk?] and ther in "ud Oker" [underlined] or powdered brick dust, werk it warm, if too thick Cover with Oil too thin add resin [double line] 18. To keep Wet from Shoes [double line] Rx. Rosen ℥i - Mutton Suet ℥ÿNeats foot Oil ℥iÿ- Mix these well + soak the Shoes, Soles. [fe?] well, fer 14 days scrape + wear them a day, baste them again, + hang them up for 14 days more. [double line] 19. To clear muddy water to drink [double line] Throw in ℥ss of Allum powdered to 12 Gallons of muddy water, + in one hour + half it will be perfectly clear.