[Recipe book]; [manuscript].; Receipt book

[England, 1780-1850] Begins with an 18th-century, undated section of medical recipes, primarily for horses and other animals, but with some remedies for worms in children, ague, heart burn, rheumatism, etc. (p. 1-26), with a listing of the contents of this section on f. i recto. Remainder of the volume comprises culinary recipes for meats, cheeses, puddings, preserves, pickles; mead, wine, shrubs, and other beverages, with a few medical recipes interspersed (p. 40-165). The last section of the volume beginning on p. 107 includes some dates, 1803-1836, and attributions for most of the recipes included; the most frequently occurring names are Mrs. J. Arden Clegg or Isabella Clegg and Miss Barber. One attribution includes a place name, "Mrs. Christopherson, Sutterton, 1803." Other surnames include Barton, Carhill, Carrington, Collin, Forbes, Hamilton, Harrison, Horsley, Howe, Hughes, Parkinson, Urquhart, and Ware; plus the full names Gentle Brown and Charlotte Jones. A few recipes are attributed to "Enquire Within."


p. 16

p. 16

10 1 For the Stone and Gravel Dry and Powder the Roots of Red Nettles and Drink a Spoonfull of it in a Draught of Warm'd White Wine every day till you find Ease

For the sauce Make Half a Pint White Wine, as much Small Beer into Posset Drink Then take of Raisons in the Sun Stoned of Liquorice of Anniceeds of Red Nettle Root. of Fennill Roots of Parsley Roots, Turkey Eggshells Skin'd & Powdered of Each of these a little; Boil all[ale?] these in Milk and Make Poset with the wine and Beer You may Boil Marshmallow Roots too. and if you drink Put in every draught as much Salt Prunella as Can Lye on a Shilling

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 17

p. 17

11 For the Stone in the Kidneys In May Distill [Destile?] Cow Dung, 1 Preserve the water that comes, Distill also a Hare Flea'd and [e.o?] Paunched and Reserve that water, Then Strangle Another Hare in her Blood and put her in [ahihui?] Covered Clove / with Morter and Hay Mixed bake her with Bread keeping her warm in the Oven two or three days till She's Dryded to a Powder Then Mix as much of it as will Lye on a Sixpense with Two Spoonfull of each Water and and take it three Mornings At the New and Full of the Moon

To make a Balsom Take Half a Pint of Salled Oil or Linceed Oil and Half a Pound of Rosin two Ounces of Bee's Wax One Ounce of Barrel Pitch and Melt all these Together in a Skillet. when it is Melted with three Ounces of Good Tallow, take it off from the Fire & Stir to it One Ounce of Liquid Storax and put a that Mixture in a Pot and that will be the True Balsom

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 18

p. 18

To Make Green Ointment Take a Quarter of a Pint of Salted Oyl Half a pound of Fresh butter a Quarter of a pound of Rosin a handful of Plantane Leaves a handfull of Howelick a handfull of Cabbage Leaves Boil them all together Half a Quarter of an Hour then Strain them through a Linnen Cloth and put them in the Skillet again and Put two Ounces of Bee's wax cut Small in pieces and having Ready two Drams of Verdegrease Powdered fine Stirr it in two or three Spoonfulls of Saled Oyl and Melt it in the Composition after the Bee's wax is Melted You must let your Composition be Cool before you mix your Verdegrease and Bil loil least your Ointment should be Brown and not Green this is Clove Ointment for Burns and Scalds

To Make the Brown Plavter Take of Burguny Pitch hosin Gumammoniauth Gum elemy and Bee's wax of Each two Ounces Salted Oyl two or three Spoonfull's One Ounce of Barrel Pitch put these in a Skillet upon the Fire Melt then Together and Stirr them to ele. and when they are

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 19

p. 19

13 Melted Stream it through a Linnen Cloth for use These are good Sear cloaths for Streams and Sores or Bruises.

For foot halt water in Sheep

Take One Ounce of white Coperas Do. Roach [?] Allum Do. Roman Vitroil two Ounce of Indigooa ve half an Ounce of white Mercury One pennyworth of Read Lead One pint and half of Sharp Vmegan [?] beat and Boil all together except the Verdegrease a till it be wasted to a pint then put the Verdegrease (beat) 'mto it and Boil a Little. [?] Bottle for Use

For the Scalp in a Horse

Take three Pints of Sharp Vinegar, a Quart of the Oil of Turpentine two pounds of Tarr, two pound of Hoggs Sand, One Pound of Sulpher vivour, Heal them all together Over the Fire, and let a Man Strip his Shirt to his Elbows, and work it in your Horse well, from Head to Tail and miss no part of his Body or Legs. let it be done as Hot as he [?] his hand in it. and if it Grows cool while doing, heat it again once dresing is sufficiant provided it be well Rub'd in

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 20

p. 20

Another Receipt for the Scrab

Take One Gallon of Chambury One pound of Sulphervivor boil them well together, and let it stand till warm then add Half a Pound of Boale Armerick and and One Quart of a Trane Oil and wash your Horse Over in it but Dish him well first -

A very Good Salve for a New wound or a womans Beast that is Sore or Broken

Take a Great handfull of Ovpin, Red Fennil, Sage, Smallage, Ribwort, Self Heal, Night Shade, watercreass and Plantain, let these Herbs be [but?] Small and Boiled with May Butter, Virgin wax Deer Suet and always be Stirring of it when you think it is boiled Enough Take it from the Fire and Strain it into two Dishes and when it is Cold take it out and Hang it up in a Cloth till you have Occasion to use it.

To Stop Bleeding

Take the Powder of Egg Shells put it in a Quill and blow it up the Nostrills or any Other wound that Bleedeth

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 169 in total