[Recipe book]; [manuscript].; Receipt book

[England, 1780-1850] Begins with an 18th-century, undated section of medical recipes, primarily for horses and other animals, but with some remedies for worms in children, ague, heart burn, rheumatism, etc. (p. 1-26), with a listing of the contents of this section on f. i recto. Remainder of the volume comprises culinary recipes for meats, cheeses, puddings, preserves, pickles; mead, wine, shrubs, and other beverages, with a few medical recipes interspersed (p. 40-165). The last section of the volume beginning on p. 107 includes some dates, 1803-1836, and attributions for most of the recipes included; the most frequently occurring names are Mrs. J. Arden Clegg or Isabella Clegg and Miss Barber. One attribution includes a place name, "Mrs. Christopherson, Sutterton, 1803." Other surnames include Barton, Carhill, Carrington, Collin, Forbes, Hamilton, Harrison, Horsley, Howe, Hughes, Parkinson, Urquhart, and Ware; plus the full names Gentle Brown and Charlotte Jones. A few recipes are attributed to "Enquire Within."


p. 26

p. 26

An Infalliable Cure for the Bite of a Mad Dogg brought from [Torquin?] by Sir Ges: Cobb Bar

Take Twenty four Grains of Fictitious Cinnabar, Sixteen Grains of Musk. Grind all these together into an Exceecing fine Powder & put into a small Tea Cupp of Arrack, Rum or Brandy. let it be well mixed & give it to the Person as Soon as Possible after the Bite. a second Doce of same must be Repeated thirty Days after and a third may be taken in thirty Days more; but if the symptoms of madness Appear on the Persons they must take one of the Doses Immediately, and a second in an hour after, & if wanted a third must be given a few hours afterwarde.

The above receipt is Calculated for full grown Persons, but children must be given [?] in Smaller Quantitys in proportion to their Age. this Medicine has been given to Hundreds of people & Sir George Cobb himself cured many who had simptoms of madness upon them.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 27

p. 27

For the Stalling of Blood of Beasts 23 One Ounce of Diapent 1 Oz of Liqorish powder 1 Quart of new yeast and 1 pint of sweet oyl 1/2 a pound of course Sugar 1 halfpenny worth of Flower of Brimstone mix [?] it all together and give them it with a horn & keep them up warm in a house till it is stoped—for all manner of Ground

For to Cure a Sheep of a Gargil or Black legg Take an Oz of the bil of [bitteril?] 1 Oz of Oil of Turpintine 1 Oz of Spirits of Wine 1 Oz of [y?] Tinekture of Belsammock 1 penny worth Tram Oil mix them all together & Stand for use

A Receipt for the Ague A Quarter of an Ounce of Bark a Quarter of an Ounce of Turmerick mix it together and divide it into five papers, the Person is to take one paper as soon as the [je?] is over, 2 more that day & 2 more the next Day, mix it in any thing but milk, eat no milk while you take if you have a Cough after it. Boil some mutton Sewitt Chopped fine in some Milk eat about a pinte at a night

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 28

p. 28

24. A Receipt for to make Water for to kill the Maggotts Struck on Sheep— Take a Quarter of a pound of Mercury Subliment put it into two Quarts of Water. to this Add One pint of the Oyl of Turpentine Shake them together and [re?] do every time you make use of it.

A Receipt for to cure Beasts Staling of Blood

Take 1 Oz: of the Best Barbados Alloways pou[p]der it fine, 4 Oz: of Oil of Turpintime mixt in two quarts of blue Milk give the Beasts[?], if it Don't stop repeat it again [intioo?] Day by Rob. Powell

Mr. Warrens receipt for y[?] Ague

Half an Oz: of Bark, 4 Drams of Snakeroot One Dram of salts of Wormwood, as much Powder of Pope as will lay on Sixpence, Powder them togethor, Devide them into 8 parts, & take one part in a Glass of rum every 3 Hours when the [fin?] is off. —

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 29

p. 29

A Receipt to make [Fargidinick?] or Gargles Water by Mr. Akril

Take a Pound of [imsleek?] and Lyme & a Quart or Better of Water and Strain it of from the Lyme then put to it— 20 Grains of [Corroses?] Subliment and Stir it well together.

A Receipt for the cure of Greafs in Horses

Take nine Onions 1 Oz 1/2 of Gunpowder 1 Oz of [Mosal?] All bet fine, put into a Quart of water wherein red off Iron has been [Slecked?] pretty often, & give them every third day for three times together and wash their Ells in Allom Water & give them a spoonfull of Antimony in scoldid [Bran?] once a Day.

N.B. if the Allom Water won't do you must [Apply Mare dung?] instead of it.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Mick
p. 30

p. 30

26 Purge for the Mow-Burn 1/2oz of the best barbadoes aloes given in a Quart of warm Ale and keep your horse Warm...After 2 Days give him 6 oz of sweet Armiseeds bet and put into warm Ale as before with half a pound of Honey & half a pint of sweet oill [sic]

To Cure Beasts [staling?] Blood by Doct. Clark 1 oz. Dragons Blood 2oz. of Cummin [sic] seeds 1/2oz of long Pepper 1 oz. of Turmerick Root powdered. a handful of ArchAngel Boild in ^ a quart of Spring Water for ten Minutes then put in the foregoing powders. If bound Shred some fat bacon and put in it

Last edit almost 4 years ago by PattyGilson
Displaying pages 26 - 30 of 169 in total