p. 31
31 To Make Blacking a Quart of best vinegar two ounces of Ivory Black, two ounces of sugar candy, A table spoonful of oil of vitriol, two tea spoonfull of sweet oil. Boil them for five minutes. Polish before dry. W.B. Take care and not let it boil over for fear of conflagration
Boot Tar[?] Take 1oz & 1/2 of Oil of Vitriol in four Table spoonsfull of cold water. Stand till cold. Beat the white of two Eggs till they come to froth. Then by little pour the Eggs to the vitriol & water stirring them well together. Then on a grater rub the outside of 2 Lemons till fine. Afterwards put in the juice of 2 Lemons. Shake these ingredients well together in a great bottle and add a quart of skimmed milk