p. 195
Status: Complete
Mrs Grimwell Receipt for Dyeing red
[double line]
Take one pound of madder, beat it to
dust. take three quarts of brand, boil it
in clear water, let it settle, take the
water off the bran; and put the mudder
in it, soak it all night, then take one
pound of allum, desolve it in clear water
and put 2 1/2 lb yarn in it and let it Stew
about two hours, then take it out and
rinse it, then pour your madder into
a clear pot, with clear water or [b---?]
water sufficient to wet your yar[n]
put your yarn into it, and Stir [u----?]
it boil, take it out and let it get [?]
dry, then wash it in strong Soap suds, the
warmer the better. [flourish]
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