p. 196




Status: Complete


Receipt To Dye black Crape Dresses
[double line]
Before you commence dying have your
Dresses well washed in soft soap suds &
dryed, or every spot will show.
Black Walnut bark, red Oak Bark,
Chesnut Bark, Maple Bark, Alder roots
or the Bark of Dogwood, boil them well
together, strain the dye from those ingri-
diants, and set it with [Coperas?], then
wash your Dresses in Chamber lye, and
[---ing?] it and dip it well in the dye, hang
[---ut?] dripping, when dry wash it in
[---t?] water, with a table spoon full of [beefs?]
[---ul?] in it. If it rubs off wash it again
[-hen?] dry iron it on the wrong Side. [flourish]

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