126 [...] Rosh Hashanah 5656 It was published in the Jewish Messenger
{S. MORAIS,} {546 N. Fifth Street,} {PHILADELPHIA, PA.}
My Congregation. On this solemn Day, the return of which the Judge of all the living may not destine me to hail again, I come before you a suppliant. It lies in your power to sweeten whatevser measure of exist -ance may be allotted to me upon earth. Believe me that No personal ambition inspired inspired the thought which gave origin to an institution with which my name is closely connected. To promote the instruction of youths, who will devote the learning, attain- ed and all the energy they possess to the service of the religion vigilantly watched over by the good and true in Israel, was the sole controlling object of my endeavour.
"The Jewish Theological Seminary", will, I fervently hope, prove that the honor of legitimate Judaism is safe in trustworthy hands; that it will not be sacrificed to shifting expediency. When called hence, I shall have left behind what will permanently benefit the cause, thatfor which I was expected to labor for, while on this side of the grave. Men and women who have remained uninfluenced for good by the preaching of their elders, may readily follow the lead of their coevals, coming to them well-equipped in a knowledge sound and persuasive.
The glowing zeal of the new occupants of vacant pulpits, may enkindle in the hearts of a rising generation the fire of enthusiasm for the too often deserted Torah. And if there be any truth in the Rabbinical saying that a mention by the living of lessons formerly imparted by teachers who are sleeping in the dust, makes the lips of the departed move smile move approvingly, I will rejoice in spirit, when from the synagogue of the Mickvé Israel con -gregation, words of no equivocal meaning which I have uttered, shall echo forth. I shall then realize feel assured that I have worked to a purpose.
Already acceptable fruits of my planting have sprung up forth. Three students searchingly examined in high branches of our literature, have been declared fitted to wear the ministerial robe. A long time will not elapse before others, equally promising, will deserve the Rabbinical title.
But the immoveable stability of the institution, fondly cherished by brothers in Israel who help me in my earnest exertions, depends on the material support it can secure. Nobly indeed has the Hebrew Community in whose midst I have preferred to cast my lot, acted to further my intentions, And on this Day of Memorial I pray that a generosity worthily bestowed
S. MORAIS, 546 N. Fifth Street, Philadelphia, PA.
may win for every giver a record in the book lying open before the throne of the Most High -- a record of merits rewarded by a life of uninterrupted happiness. But not because I wish that all may enjoy the satisfaction which a venerable member of this Congregation recently experienced -- I mean the celebration of the the anniversary of ninety first dayanniversary of his birth in health, wealth and public respect -- not because I petition God that it may so happen, am I assured that the Sovereign Creator will so decree.
Still, Jews are taught to believe that the fostering of a learning productive of righteousness, is a shield against evil occurrences. Mark, says a Talmudist: the Torah, personified by Wisdom, is declared a tree of life to those who lay strong hold thereof. We do not read that it will prove so only to such as possess a mastery acquaintance with of it, for, all are not endowed with mental capacities to acquire its a thorough knowledge of the Torah, nor have all the leisure to cultivate that study, but it will confer heavenly blessings on those who do strengthen it will rest upon all who jealously guard diligently seek that it may not decay - Ez Chayim hee la-machazikim bah. namely, on persons who effectively contribute to the permanence