For a funeral
It is my eager wish that the memory of Rebecca Hart be apreciated hereafter, with in the community of Philadelphia, with the joyous part in her existense, and not with the melancholy present. The dear [[living]] now departed will stand then before the minds of the youngest among her survivors in the character where the beautifully manifested in the character I saw her play her part so nobly for a quarter of a century, while others had seen her prior to it, a full two score of years. [...]I mean in the character of a woman unwearied in her useful [actions, ?] without start, of her time and hear means in undertakings of so [[sic]] advantage; of a woman who keenly enjoyed the pleasures of life, because the [[sic]] that her kindness brought cupfuls of pleasures to many who thirsted for earthly blessings; of a woman who governed a house, which might have home composition with that which ren -dered the father of the Hebrew people famous in all ages generations for the [ ] ofgenerous hospitality - the stranger finding in her parlour a hearty welcome, at her table a repast seasoned with the sweetest condiment - a friendly smile; of a woman who took relight in encouraging piety by occupy_ing a seat seldom –left vacant in the dwelling of prayer, and performing her devotions with confident earnestness. It is that aroma of womanly goodness when the his demeanor of Rebecca Hart [deffused] around, that I desire to have her memory embalmed.
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