p. 25




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of our Latter End.

Sins past; making and keeping our Peace
with God; acquainting our selves with
Him; living to His Glory; walking as in
His Presence; Praying to Him; learning
to Depend upon Him; Rejoycing in Him;
walking Thankful unto Him. These, and
such like as these, are the great Business and
End of our Lives, for which we enjoy them
in this World; and these fit and prepare
us for that which is to come: And the con-
sideration that our Lives are short and un-
certain, and that Death will sooner or
later come, puts us upon this resolution
and practice to do this our great work
while it is called today; that we loiter not
away our day, and neglect our task and
work while we have time and opportunity,
lest the night overtake us when we can-
not work; to gain Oyl in our Lamps be-
fore the door be shut: And if men would
wisely consider their latter Ends, they
might do this great business, this one thing
necessary, with ease and quietness; yea,
and without any neglect of what is neces-
sary to be done in order to the common ne-
cessities of our Lives and Callings; it is not
these that disable us and rob us of our time:
But the Thieves that rob us of our time,
and our one thing necessary, are negli-
gence, excess of pleasures, immoderate and

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