694 [=55] (V.2)




Status: Complete


[note in left margin:


of the dam. a platform of box-
-work filled with river stone ex-
-tends to a width of 43 1/2 feet from
the masonry flooring, this is held
in position by double lines of
20 feet piling, strongly clamped
together by sleepers fastened on
to the upper surface, the slope
of which is 2 1/4 feet on an in-
-cline down stream. To the whole
of these protective works the
greatest attention has been paid,
and as far as I can judge from
having seen them both in pro-
-gress, and after completion, they
appear to be excellent. The flanks
of the tail are protected by open
pile work driven in prolonga-
-tion of the down stream flank

C. Embraces the inlet
or platform which is built across
the channel of the Rutmoo,
parallel and opposite to the dam
for the purpose of receiving the
floods into the canal, as well
as for retaining the canal supply
in its own channel; to this is
added flanking defences simi-
-lar in many respects to those
attached to the dam.

The work is with the ex-
-ception of the greater portion of
the inlet itself founded upon
blocks of the same pattern as
before, they come under the fol-
lowing denomination -

Platform of inlet 3 blocks 30' x 10' in addition to plain foundation

Upstream right wing 3 do 23' x 12'
Do Do 1 do 17 x 12'
Do Left do 3 do 23 x 12'
Do Do 1 do 17' x 12'

Downstream right wing 2 do [(20.1' + 15')/2] x 12.6'
Do Left do 4 do [(18.4' + 7.8)/2] x 12.85

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The word "do" is a British abbreviation of "ditto."