p. 2
Henry Jones Henry Jones Henry Jones
[Black and white frontispiece drawing of a beaver on the river]
It was my heavenly Father's love Brought every being forth: He made the shining worlds above, And every thing on earth.
Each lovely flower, the smallest fly, The sea, the waterfall, The bright green fields, the clear blue sky— Tis God that made them all.
God hears what I am saying now, Oh! what a wondrous thought! My heavenly Father, teach me how To love thee as I ought.
p. 3
[the following paragraphs are completely crossed through:]
Commenced a diary on next page for the year 1837 embracing an account or state of the weather, taken from the thermometer (front of the house) in the morning or in some instances evening, where two accounts are given.
NB This statement is correct as regards the first three months of year, the state of the Glass after that time, and to a subsequent period was taken when supposed to be at the highest.
Diary commencing A D 1837
p. 4
DM DW First Month
1 B Went to meeting in the morning, to D Aussi to dine 2 2 At home in forenoon, [illegible] in after, the day uncommon 3 3 About home all day, weather extremely cold 4 4 Brought Louisa down in fore noon, at home in after 5 5 Hauling wood in fore noon, at home in after, form 6 6 At home in fore noon at mill in after noon. 7 7 Killing Lewis' hogs & our own in fore noon. 8 B At home all day. A L Lukins here in afternoon. 9 2 At home all day, helping cut up hogs in fore no 10 3 At home, cutting up beef in fnoon, in bed with 11 4 About home all day hauling wood in afternoon 12 5 At home all day at debating school in the evening 13 6 About home with tooth ach when exposed to an 14 7 At home to-day taking care of the creatures, very co 15 B Went to meeting with Clement. came home to dinner 16 2 About home loading Hhd runner in afternoon, 17 3 Went to Meeting in the morning & to Uncles to dinner 18 4 About home in forenoon, went to J G Jones & J Lukens's 19 5 About home all day, at Debating school in evening 20 6 Took Louisa home in forenoon, tending store in afternoon
p. 5
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