p. 1




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11 o/m [=November] 24th very unwell done little except taking care of [?rea?]
& whet frame saw got Wm. Loller to bleed me in morn
25th hewed gate post for lane before the door & set it in boy
finished cleaning black oats C. Clayton &c. here in even
A [=Sunday] 26th unwell still took phisick myself & then gave Alloes to Wm.
Mansfield's mare. Betsy Webb & B. Bailey here to see wife staid
to dine Wm. Webb & wife etc here in even[ing]
27 hewing & seting in posts for board fence at N.E. cor
=ner of barn & put up board partition under bridge
28th Nailed boards on fir fence & sundry chores about barn
29th I having been afflicted with a Cough these some weeks
hath at length received a violent stitch in my right
side & shoulder which confines me to my bed for the mos[t]
part altho. I have divers times been bled & phisicked the
last bleeding was this morning in my right foot
[??fted] midling well sweat much arose in morn took salt
& kept closish house R. Lamborn, Jn.o Broomhall & a
young man from Trenttown Named Nealer Child
here to dine I feel much afflicted with pain in right
side & shoulder
12 o/m 1st butchered 15 hogs Wm. Loller &c helping I rather
better but not able to help much we cut up 5 in
even for our own use
2nd M Hooper came again & helped dress 2 small pigs
grease waggon &c till noon I doctoring dun
colt for farcy then went to Jacob Dingres & home
A 3rd I fee much better than I have done these some
weeks, I rode [w̶e̶n̶t̶] to meeting & ^came home on foot creatur[e]
got out of stable Sarah Carleton here to dine I mad[e]
some preparation in even for Journey to city
4th arose before day made ready & started ^Wm Loller & son Jonathan with waggon early I staid till near
sunrise then rode to Dr. Peirces warmed & rode on overtook waggon
near S. Painters fed at Vernons. & Stone house Tavern I dined
at Jos. Claytons we went to Gray's ferry staid till morn
5th after breaking ice across Creek we were oblidged to get to middle ferry & soon
to town sold of & took in sundries & came to Vittles Tavern on the
Strausburg road 9 miles from City

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