p. 27




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July 15th

am Moderate East wind & fine. Passed an English
ship standg [standing] to the Nd [Northward] Noon the wind drawing
to the ESEd [ESEastward] In studg [studding] sls [sails]
Latde [Latitude] Obsd [Observed] 13.30 No Londe [Longitude] Chr [Chronometer] 26.14 W
Course S 2 W 164 miles
Bar [Barometer] 30.05 Sympr [Sympiesometer] 29.89 Ther [Thermometer] air 80 water 80
PM Moderate breese a ESE & SSE swell a South.

July 16th

am Light breeze a South & SW & calms.
a Brig & a schooner in Co. [Company]
Latde [Latitude] obsd [observed] 12.20 N Londe [Longitude] Chr. [Chronometer] 26.19 W
Course S 4 W 70 miles
Bar [Barometer] 30.06 Sympr [Sympiesometer] 29.87 Ther [Thermometer] air 82 water 81
PM Light airs a West to North & Calms

July 17th

am Light breeze at North to NNE carrying the Port
studg [studding] sails at 10 Boarded the English Barque
"Enos" from Bahia to Falmouth 18 days out & sent
letters by her 11.30 P [Performed] D [Divine] Service on the Poop. Fine Wr [Weather]
Latde [Latitude] obsd [observed] 11.22 No Londe [Longitude] Chr [Chronometer] 25.48 W
Course S 27 E 65 miles
Bar [Barometer] 30.06 Sympr [Sympiesometer] 29.86 Ther [Thermometer] 82 water 81

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