p. 26
is fresh. the foresails of the ship are all set & turned
aslant to catch the wind. We are sailing at the
rate of 9 Knots an hour, an old Tar standing beside
me here tells me. he says this is a fine vessel but
that one in which he sailed before went regularly
13 Knots an hour So much for his Yarn.
We have a notice put upon the Cabin 8 am
every day telling us in what latitude &
longitude we are in & the progress made every
day which is calculated from the degrees
of latitude & longitude. to day it stands thus
Lat: [Latitude] 42.3 N. Long:[Longitude] 10.39.W. 213 miles
this is ascertained by taking the suns Altitude
in the heavens every day at 12 oclock by
Means of the Sextant. all the officers of the
Ship are out with them every day, We have
had some rifle shooting today & also some
revolvers were being tried. A soda water
bottle was hung up at the yardarm
one man first Smashed the bottle with one
Shot left the neck hanging. he Shot away
the neck with the Second with his revolver
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