p. 32




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Friday Augt 21st 1857 We have an
awning put up over the quarter deck every
day now to sheild us from the heat of the sun
which is becoming pretty strong One can easily
see that the sun is more vertical here than in
England everyone is looking out for a sight
of Madeira today we are steaming between
it & the mainland we were doomed to be
disappointed however we are passed its
lat. & long. : without seeing it. we shipped
a sea this morning which made the ladies
run into their cabins in hot haste. A great
many sea fowl are flying about which shows
that we cannot be at a great distance from
land. today our lat is 32°. 40. north
Long. 15. 52 west. Distance run 230 miles

Saturday August 22nd 1854

I got up early this morning & had a salt
water bath, it is very pleasant & refreshing
Now that we are getting into a warmer climate
We have got the most novel shower baths on
deck I ever saw they pump up salt
water from the sea through a pipe such

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