p. 51




Status: Indexed

Dec 1 to 6th Gen Wyndham attacked
by rebels at Cawnpore. [down into scored through] he retreated
into entrenchments. tents of 4 regiments
burned down by the sepoys. Releived by
Sir Colin Campbell coming up to his
assistance. Mail arrived from
England per St [Steamer] Nubia, evening of
Dec 5th. Commenced to write a
letter home Sunday 6th have not as
yet got any letters by this mail.
Dec 6th to Jany. 19th. Still at Bany.
Continued to dislike it. at last made up
my mind to enter the companys service.
got appointed to the "Proserpine". 12 guns
Brig the Man of War for the Indian Coast.
Joined her on the 19th. Saw Mr Bockeet
Chf Officer on board. during the latter
weeks I have received letters from home
from Fred. & B, All well.
Feby 12th. Received orders to join the transport
Belgravia to take charge of sick &
wounded to the Cape of Good Hope.

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