p. 65




Status: Indexed

Then here is the Captn. He & I are capital
friends. In fact he is the only one I have
in the meantime to associate with. he is
a Yorkshireman. & is part owner of the ship.
he too has been billious & dyspeptic the
last few days & takes no grub in
consequence. Poor Robinson we have lost.
We miss him very much. he was so lively
& hearty. & used to help us all alive
he poor fellow. Sleeps. now. where nothing can
disturb him. there is something melancholy
in a burial at sea. it impresses one
much more than the cemetery on land
probably from being more accustomed to
the latter.

The Ocean Burial
The Sun's bright [gleamed scored through]rays gleamed oer the sea
& Kissed each dark blue swelling wave
As o'er their surface, bright & free
A noble ship sped onward brave
A form lay on the silent deck
A form of manly beauty rare.

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