p. 90




Status: Indexed

come upon nice villas with a nice
plot of green trees, the (oak especially
in abundance), the houses looking
beautifully clean & white the windows
clean & bright now & then a face protruded
to watch the carriage passing.
Table Mountain with its flat table
like surface, & looking from the town
to the left the Devils Peaks forms the
back ground of these houses. In some
cases the vineyards extend a long way
up the side of the hill especially when
they may be well sheltered from the
south east gales which often blow
here with such severity bye & bye.
the houses begin to be scarce, one or two
here & there. We passed the Governors
Country house with a very nice avenue
leading up to it but a very poor
entrance there being only a plain
pillar on each side. about 4 miles
from Cape Town [pu scored through] the road to

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