p. 147




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breakfast to write home to Fred
& to Mrs. Knott at Madras & Barry.
Very warm this Mg.

Wednesday Decr. 1st. 1858.

Busy this morning writing letters home.
12 oclock just sealed up one for
Fred & went ashore for stamps to
receive pay today.

Decr. 2nd. Thursday. 1858

went Ashore this morning to
breakfast with the Capt. took
250 rupees with me and after break
fast went with the Capt. to the
treasury & got treasury draft for the
same. was going on board after-
wards but met Harper got into his
buggy & called at Law's. Saw
Mrs. Miss & Charlie. Called then on
Hughden. Saw Mrs. H who had a
great deal to say. Says she is a
relation of Barrys. Called then
at Johnsons met Stable Morris.

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