p. 168
coming in on all sides that tigers
are in the neigbourhood several
natives been killed & in Hospital at
Sandoway one man walked off with out
of his house & dragged royds.
Henricks a German Merchant came
on bd. today between 11 & 12 for advice
give him medicine asked me to
go up to Sandoway & promised to send
a poney to ride up on. remained on
board all today reading Highlands
& Islands of Scotland Farady paura
very prolific in Children. a great many
[written between lines] Capt. asked me to walk out with
Mrs. E but I [?] did not feel inclined
Capt. went out shooting.
Tuesday Jany. 4th. 1859
Went out before sunrise this morning
for a walk with Capt. & Mrs.
Eales. Capt. took his gun landing
place very muddy. Went partly
through the village full of
Buffaloes & pariah dogs the former
seemed nuch frightened at our
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