p. 176



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man up to the Kaea at the
entrance. returned on bd. & had
a dispute about the word at
motion turning.

Tuesday Jany. 11th. 1859

Capt. Mrs. Eales & Edith went up
to Sandoway this mg. to take up
quarters on shore while the ship
was being painted. reading the
Pacha of Many Tales today. the
poney promised by Henricks has
come down & is on shore beside
the Creek for me. Bowen & Dibbs
went ashore shooting. I went
ashore at 5 & rode about
2 miles in the direction of
Sandoway, through paddy fields
Saw the Cutter Coming from
Sandoway from which place it
had been with the Captain.
returned at dusk to the Creek
& went on bd. in the PB. boat
told the Sigee through the boat &
wallah to come in the mg. at 5.30

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