p. 178
Cassiagni old Burman toss up a
mugh promised to come down to
Todypaura with hod. got on board
about 12 ocl very tedious trip tide
against both ways [drawn: circle with two bars]
Thursday Jany. 13th. 1859
Up between 6 7& this mg. & took a
ride in shore. went near to some
jungle about two miles distant from
the ship. a rustling in the jungle
poney started & turned back at
full tilt seen nothing. got a fine
pair of horns from a native. before
breakfast time Capt. rode down
from Sandoway this mg. Cassiagne
licked two natives for going forward.
reading pacha all day no letter
arrived yet since we came up
here. rode out in the evening to
the Creek back in the direction
of Singh Gong & went into the Country.
some Buffaloes shewed an
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