p. 109


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2 revisions
Dendendaloom at Apr 18, 2022 12:34 AM

p. 109

very light throuought [throughout] the fore part of the day. We made slow progress on our tack over towards [[Robben Island|Robben island]] About 3 oclock in the afternoon the breeze began to freshen & we made sure of getting out of the bay or at least the dangerous parts of it before dark which earlier in the day we had almost dispaired of. The [[Bremen]] did not leave that day. in the 2nd. tack we went pretty close to [Robb scored through] [[Green Point]], & the breeze being light there was a chance of the ship missing stays, however she came around & went of nicely on the other tack, leaving no great distance between her stern & that dangerous shore. We in the next tack went pretty close to the [[Whale rock]] but the breeze was by this time considerable freshened. she stayed nicely

very light throuought [throughout] the fore part
of the day. We made slow progress on
our tack over towards Robben island
About 3 oclock in the afternoon the
breeze began to freshen & we made
sure of getting out of the bay or at
least the dangerous parts of it before
dark which earlier in the day we
had almost dispaired of. The Bremen
did not leave that day. in the
2nd. tack we went pretty close to
[Robb scored through] Green Point, & the breeze being
light there was a chance of the
ship missing stays, however she
came around & went of nicely
on the other tack, leaving no great
distance between her stern & that
dangerous shore. We in the next
tack went pretty close to the
Whale rock but the breeze
was by this time considerable
freshened. she stayed nicely

p. 109