p. 205
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3 revisions | Dendendaloom at Aug 01, 2022 08:16 AM p. 205ladies here are very kind &
attentive [[Mrs. Richmond]] [[Mrs.
Osmond]] gave me a selection of
ferns. [[Mrs. Osmond]] [Ogilvie struck through, osmond written above] promised
a letter of introduction to a party
in Elgin. [[Mrs. Miller]] also a
friend of [[Ehen]] of [[Edinburgh|Edinr.]] is a
good friend. [[Mrs. Phillips]] her son
& young [[Dickson]] are newly arrd.
from [[England]]
==Feby. 28th. till March 8th.==
omitted writing up journal to
this time but nothing of importance
has occurred been living at
[[Mrs. Ogilvie]]'s & going out some
where every day. Dined over
at [[Captain Eales|Capt. Eales]] & with [[Mrs. Miller|Mrs.]]
[[Mr. Miller]] at the latter.
Met [[Mrs. Hughesdon]] from [[Sittwe|Akyab]]
pretended to have partialy for-
got me. [scored through: got] We have prayers
before breakfast @ 9 dinner ladies here are very kind & Feby. 28th. till March 8th. omitted writing up journal to p. 205ladies here are very kind &
attentive [[Mrs Richmond]] [[Mrs.
Osmond]] gave me a selection of
ferns. [[Mrs. Osmond]] [Ogilvie struck through, osmond written above] promised
a letter of introduction to a party
in Elgin. [[Mrs. Miller]] also a
friend of [[Ehen]] of [[Edinburgh|Edinr.]] is a
good friend. [[Mrs. Phillips]] her son
& young [[Dickson]] are newly arrd.
from [[England]]
==Feby. 28th. till March 8th.==
omitted writing up journal to
this time but nothing of importance
has occurred been living at
[[Mrs. Ogilvie]]'s & going out some
where every day. Dined over
at [[Captain Eales|Capt. Eales]] & with [[Mrs. Miller|Mrs.]]
[[Mr. Miller]] at the latter.
Met [[Mrs. Hughesdon]] from [[Sittwe|Akyab]]
pretended to have partialy for-
got me. [scored through: got] We have prayers
before breakfast @ 9 dinner ladies here are very kind & Feby. 28th. till March 8th. omitted writing up journal to |