p. 345
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2 revisions | Dendendaloom at Nov 24, 2022 07:26 AM p. 345==Augt. 9th== Nothing particular
Went to the English Church
with [[Willie]] in the Afternoon
[Struck through: Augt] Walked in [[Leith]]. along
the beach &ce. in the evening.
==Monday Augt. 10th.== Have had a dip
in the sea each mg. & had one
this. Afterwards went to [[Prestonpans|P'pans]]
saw [[Mrs. A.]] in bed still. [[Mrs. Nellis|Mrs.]] & [[Miss
Nellis]] up stairs with whom I dined
[[Mrs. Ritchie]] at [[Mrs. Aitchison]]s at
tending upon her. [Struck through: [[Miss Paterson]]
& [[Martha Scott]] came to tea in
the evening. [[Martha]] played
a great deal & well. her sister
[[Mary Scott]] engaged to be married expec-
ted in a few days.] [written above: not arrived yet] left to catch
[[Musselburgh]] train ([struck through: too late])
(9 ocl) [struck through: & had to walk adventure]
[written between lines: too late walked to [struck through: Por] ]
[struck through: with] [[Portobello]] [Struck through: Station]!!
[[Miss Paterson]] & [[Martha]] just
arrived from [[Kelso]] Augt. 9th Nothing particular Monday Augt. 10th. Have had a dip p. 345 |