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upon said band & the Col was then very officious in giving his orders to the company to mount the hurricane deck & (sock) her off. On Friday we send on board as (Ju ) a mod( ) -ats Kentuckian - who must be related I think to the Kentucky giant- being about 6 feet five inches- & large in proportion, I should think he ( ) weight 350 lbs. He had a (_____) inscribed with his ( ), about three inches in diameter it ( ) do no ( ) to H( ). Soon after he was comfor -table seated by the fire, the boat gout agrouond- & Col Evants ( ) to that part of the cabin, stammered out the exclamation "came (,La fdom) we want you to lift off the Boat"!
p. 17
In half an hour after, the 11 "[cosucnastein]" (such is the appell -ations of Kentuckians, as Buckeye" is of Ohioans, & Hoosiers" of Indianians.) stretched [hindey?] out on the dining table which groan ed under his weight cascade with his [clerk?] for a pillow. Soon after the [?] col happening thru the cabin & [?] [?] is [?] -trate"! Here [?] oh -ioans, once for all, that the [Westian?] [?] Goats, being all on the high [prepione?] [?] -[?], at every stoke of the piston [send?] for the [grapes?] of [steam?] thru the used [?] & piercing sounded alarming to those who are not accus -tomed to it. On the lower or boiler deck - the hands
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12 and emigrants (mostly Germans) are accomodated + are never allowed to come on the upper deck which is exclusively ^ for the accomodation of gentlemen + ladies I have however known a Yankee family of emigrants stowed away with their cooking utensils
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most important localities 13 in our wetern world in his speech upon the trial of Aaron Burr I cod easily fancy it to have been like a Paradise before the porter came but I have nothing of the
p. 20
14. between Wheeling & Cincinnati are Portsmonth on Ohio & Louysville Ky. [Kentucky] The former is at the mouth of the great canal which [Dr?] [Dr?] the centre of the state to [Dr?] [Dr?] connecting the waters of Lake Erie with those of the Ohio. The latter is the starting point of the [Dr?] [Dr?] of great excellence [Dr?] [Dr?] a most rich & [and]beautiful country to [Dr?] [Dr?]. It is a pretty town of 5 or 6000 inhabitants I [Dr?] think & [and] [Dr?] to it is [Dr?], Ohio.
At Louysville [Dr?] [Dr?] an interesting young lady daughter of the late cashier of the Bank in Lexington, [Dr?] from us by her I [Dr?] [Dr?] to [Dr?] [Dr?] informing him that I was thus far on my way [Dr?] [Dr?]