p. 20




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Sunday. 28th Dec.. Rained hard all day. I did not go out.
Father visited Henry Hudson at noon. Found him very low but perfectly sensible. At his request prayers
were offered for him at church in the afternoon
Father visited him again after church and found
him in a very happy state of mind. He sent his
love to us all. The thought of his danger affected
me very much, though I could scarcely tell why I
wept. We had a little meeting at home in the ev'ng
and special prayers were offered for him. Mr Murphy
Harriet, Carrie and I sang and talked together till
about ten when we retired.

Monday.. The snow has all disappeared, carried completely
away by the heavy rain of yesterday, and it is
much warmer than it was last week; but the
walking is anything but pleasant. Went out in the
afternoon of an errand. Met Emma Briggs and after-
wards H. Wilde both of whom gave me a compliment
very different from each other. Mary Reeve and Miss [?]
called in my absence but going out again I met
them and had quite a pleasant walk with them
[Mr? word is crossed out] George Hendson? passed us as we turned a corner
He looked very sober and I could not help feeling
sorry that I happened to be laughing just then. Called
on Mrs Tucker, and on Sarah Olmsted. Attended prayer
meeting at Mrs Stearns in the evening.

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