p. 49




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Wednesday. Delightful weather. Balmy Spring seems to have stolen upon us unawares. The day was quite too pleasant to spend within doors, so soon after breakfast I called on Ellen Dickinson, and Ellen Waterman. Also went into Grand street, shopping. Returned and spent the remainder of the morning, and the early part of the afternoon sewing. Henry Hudson then came in and staid till dusk. Elizabeth Culbert and Ellen Dickinson called. Mr Murphy took tea with us and spent the evening with Hattie.
Thursday. Very pleasant. Aunt Graves spent the day with us. I spent most of the afternoon at Mrs Stearns'. Carrie Heath called at our house. In the evening when getting ready to attend Lyceum, expecting to go as usual with Natty. I was agreeably surprised when Mr Henry H presented himself to accompany me thither. It is the first time that he has been out in the evening since his illness, and he is still quite weak, and sometimes noticed it however had he not mentioned it himself when we were returning. It was a lovely moonlight evening and recalled fordibly to my mind the last evening before his departure for Cal. It was just such a night as this and as we walked together, and thought how long it would be before we could walk thus again; we looked upwards to the serene heavens, and tried to talk hopefully of the future. It was three years ago, and we are different now; both have

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