p. 113




Status: Complete

tongues — Russian, French, German,
Italian, English, greek, &) &) &) [et cetera et cetera et cetera] it
seems the commonest accomplish=
ment, to be able to speak 3 or 4 lan=
guages, & to be in the constant use
of them all - But for the
present we were to see no more
of the town than the general
view ofit which we got in arriving.

We rowed to the Quarantine Office
where we were left sitting ^for a considerable time like a row
of water rats, on some wooden steps
that led up to it from the sea, not
knowing what was to be undergone
next, at length it was declared, (which
might have been made known before,)
that the presence ofthe ladies was not
necessary; & we were sent back to the
vessel, after [^a] some farther delay [illegible?]
the gentlemen joined us, having under=
gone the necessary interrogations con=
cerning their passports. After we got
our dinner, we went on shore, & walked
wearily up a long hill to the Quarantine
^Fumigating [Smoking] Office, in a square court ad=

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