Travel Diaries and Journals

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James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 265
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p. 265

at Sea

Friday July 22nd. 1859.

Thick & foggy. fish about in thousands. taking easily but all hooks broken Caught 5 after dinner yesterday Therm 68° 900 miles from England

Saturday July 23rd. 1859.

Thick & foggy drizzaling[?] rain regular Channel weather the Capt. says. A ship passed close bound southward this Mg. Therm 68°. Fish all left

Sunday July 24th. 1859.

Foggy this mg. but cleared off & left a fine clear day. got a good obs. first time for 4 days. 45° 4° N. a French Ship in sight bound same way as ourselves. 680 miles from the Lizard. a fine breeze tonight & fully expect to reach The Downs by next Sunday or before. weather cool & pleasant in the

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 272
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p. 272

==Channel. on bd. ship "Ivanhoe''==

rounding the N. Foreland. blowing stiff. steamer a long way astern. Can see the feilds shorn on shore. Shorthening sail now & hauling on the wind. Anchored in Margate Roads about 6. a boat sailing party passed under the Stern. Mrs. R. Mrs. W. the Capt. I & the children all sitting talking with the town of Margate in sight turned in between 9 & 10

Tuesday August 2nd. 1859.

Got under weigh about 7 this Mg. Woke by the men singing up the Anchor more cheerily than usual. Steamer took us in tow we moved along very slowly passed the goodwin sands a great number of Col[l]iers about Ships at Ball Practice of[f] Sheerness entered London River about 2

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 273
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p. 273

River Thames

& got land again on both sides of us. very tedious getting up the steamer did not tow us well the Coasts open out more & Mrs. W. thinks that England is rather pretty after all. Anchored at Gravesend about 4 ocl got two boats to take us Ashore. promised to see the ladies to London [underscored:Otheu ] with us Mrs. W & Children quite thunderstruck with ships & people. went to Railway Station no train to London for 1½ hours Walked into the Country. Came back sat down in the Railway waiting room went on to London. great stir at London Bridge got Mrs. R. &ce bundled into a Cab off to Welford Otheu & I went to have something to eat. parted & I went to the Waverly Hotel in Cheapside (German)

London Again

Wed: went through the tower

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 274
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Waverley Hotel Cheapside

Wednesday Augt. 3rd. 1859

Went out after breakfast ordered two suits of clothes in Cloth mart Cheapside called at Morrison Dillons,Porter. Carr. Pears went [written above:walked] down to London Dock in the afternoon vessel not up turned in fell asleep instead of seeing Carr. wrote home

Thursday August 4th. 1859.

Went to tailors & to London Dock. Blackwall coach to Commercial road My traps passes after staying on bd. 2 or 3 hours. left a crape shawl. Cheated by humpers[?] & Cabman. [struck through: on to] took traps to Kings Cross & drove home Cabman 8/- a telegraph from Fred: stating come down by first train sister to be married tomorrow. Cash ex- pended had to wait till next day to cash a bill Clothes sent up this evg. met Anderson in Moorgate Street when walking out

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 275
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Waverly Hotel Cheapside

had a gl[ass]. of B[eer] with him & walk promised to some up and see me off to the train the following evg.

Friday Augt. 5th. 1859.

Cashed a bill this mg. paid Hotel Bill &ce so as to get all ready to Start from Kings X this evg. went down to London Docks to see & get money from Capt. met him but he could not let me have it gave him a note with my address asked him to send it on with the shawl went on bd. met the mate returned with him to London Cab from Tower to London Bridge went down to Sydenham saw the Exhibition returned to London took penny steamboat at London Bridge to Westminster Saw Houses of P. Buck & St. James palaces. returned bu 'Bus. Met Carr Anderson & Graham had tea

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p. 277
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p. 277


Kate at church. Bessie gone to London. Sat chatting Kate came home from church opened the door for her. dined Fred hugged me [Written above: & Bob.] off with him up to see K had tea went home by Canonmills.

Monday August 8th. 1859

Called on Mr. Young Colleg[e] of Surgeons & ce with Jessie paid my policy to Mr. Young for last year 9.4.2. Came down staid at home in the evg. Dr. Ritchie in bad health Mr. Y asked me to call out

Tuesday Augt. 9th. 1859

Went to P'pans Stage Coach to Musselburgh & walked. Met the Dr. walking out slowly. Called little Kate & 7yo at the door do you know Missy Abnins[?] Mrs. R looked over the window went up stairs sat down a long tirade about the Dr. only chance to get appoint when

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 282
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p. 282

Reciepts for the month. July

Date Note Rupees Annas Pice
Rs. As. P.
Pay for July recd.
Sept. 6th. 250 - -
Balance on hand for
the Month July 181 0 0
_ Mr. Woodward Acc. w awake 6
Balance 175
Sept 30. Recd. money lent to Capt. 27 27
Expenditure in all 231 _ _
Amount remaining Rs. As.
on hand of July's 19. 8.
Carried over to next page.
Last edit about 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 327
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& a Mr.Ward. Had an excellent dinner Sat talking with Dr. Ritchie in the evg. & wrote a letter home.

Wednesday. Jany. 23rd. 1861.

Down to breakfast at 8.30 after a very comfortable nights rest. Went to the office with Dr. Ritchie after & saw the different books schedules etc to be kept. Afterwards went round the asylum with Dr. R. & was introd-ced to the patients etc. After dinner went up with Dr. R. to a meeting of the Geological Society in Somerset House. Heard a paper on the [struck through: Mor] so called Moraines of the Punjab. Discussion by. & Pf. Ramsey of Glasgow. Also a paper on. Fossil fish & one on Chalk: presented by Huxley, Ramsey. Whittaker etc. had tea after: & Dr.R. & I walked to the bank. I took a bus back. From there had some brandy hot with Dr.R

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p. 328
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Thursday Jany. 24th. 1861.

Got up at 8 down to breakfast at 8.30. [written above: by & wl.] Talked of the Meeting with Mr. Miller after reading the papers. Went to the office. Dr. R. to the books I reading lunacy act. Mr. M. called me to see Oxy hydrogen Microscope went round the male side today. got Bucknall & Tuck Psychological Med. to read from Mr. M. & the use of library of Dr. Rit went out in the evg. After dinner walked up to London Bridge & Cheapside & took a Bus back from the Bank. (Woman Epileptic delivired of a child today). had fits after frequently. Dr. R. came home at 11. had a biscuit & glass of beer. sat talking till about 1 oc.

Friday Jany. 25th. 1861

& Dr. M. Got up at 9 ocl. [?] taking the time down to breakfast at 9-20 breakfast finished. Mr. M. [?]. After breakfast went with Dr. R. to

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 329
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Clerkenwell. Called on John Alexander. News Dr. Manning home (on his way) M left (to go to Barnett tomorrow. evg. waled to Bank with Dr. R. & then to Bethnall House. had lunch & went round to visit female side. [?] went to the office read act till 5. had dinner. Dr. R. went out to party. com- menced to write 2 letters. one to Mrs. R. & to Bill Auld. Couldn't get on . Stopped & commenced to write this. finished 10.15.

Saty: Jany. 26th. 1861.

Got dinner early today after visiting the male side & went up to the King's Cross Station to meet John Alexander to go to Barnett with him. Saw him at 5 ocl Could not go to Barnett as Dr. M. had come home from China Said he expected to have to go to Edinr. Walked back down to Holborn Hill & got back to Bethnall House just as they had finished dinner.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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