p. 13
those of [[Mr. Dubith]], the Hotel du dragon, & the hotel de la
Cour de Hollande. I have [resided?] at the diligence Hotel
de [Heuken?], where I have found the people extremely civil, and
attentive. [[Cologne]] is about 14 l. [leauges?] from Liege [[Liège]], from [Maertnicht?]
6 L. & from [[Paris]] about 100 L. The town is situated between the
[[Meuse]] & the [[Rhine]]. The town is very ancient, & [[Ptolemy]] men-
-tions it under the name of Veterna. It was known to the Romans
in the times of Cesar [[Ceasar]] & [Drusus?] with the country between the [[Meuse]]
& the [[Rhine]]. [[Charlemagne]] was born here in 742 & so he named
this town the second of his great Empire & above the gate of his
palace is still seen the following inscription -
"Hic sedes regni trans Alpes habeatum caput omnium provin-"
"-ciarum, et civitatum Galliae." The Emperor died here in 814.
From that period downward for some time the town [underwent?]
several changes of fortune. After the Carlovingian Emperors,
those of the house of [[Saxe]], of Francony [[Francia]], of [[Suabria]], of Hapsbourg [[Habsburg]],
& of [[Luxembourg]], had been for the most part crowned here [[Charles
the IV]] made an express law, that thence forward all the Empe
-rors of [[Germany]] should be crowned at Aix la Chapelle [[Aachen]]. The town
is celebrated for the two treaties of peace, which it saw signed within
its walls. The first on the 2d. of May 1668 between [[France]], and
[[Spain]], & the second on the 18th of October 1748 between [[France]],
[[England]] & the low countries. After dinner I walked to the
town of [[Burscheid]] ([Porcetown, Borchette?]) to the [L.L.E?] of the town,
by a pretty road, & not distant beyond a walk of 20 minutes.
I was struck by seeing the stream issue from the rivulet, which
ran thro' [through] the town, & the women washing their linen in it. On the
hill to the left of the town are two Churches. It is said that this
little valley remained a desert until the 10th. Century, the resort
of wild boars. St. Gregory [[Gregor von Burtscheid]], son of Niciphoris [[Nikephoros?]], Emperor of [[Greece]],
founded a convent of Monks, which in 1220 was converted into a
cloister for women of rank. I went into the principal Church, &
saw the founders "Beatus Gregonius Abbas" richly arrayed in
his pontifical dress, of beautifully flowered silk, mitre & cross,
contained in a glass gase. Over it was inscribed,
"S: Gregorio primo huius loci Abbati"
"antiquitas posuit."
and the following latin verses,
"Continet hic tumulus peregrini membra sepulti"
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