p. 16
[[Oxford]]. I was shewn also an old painting of [[Charlemagne]] with
a model of the Cathedral in his right hand, an olive branch,
crossing a sword, & the words "Amore Timore" inscribed upon them.
The large painting of the 15. Ambassadors, who assembled at the great
council in 1748 has no other merit than relating to that im-
-portant epoch. There are separate portraits of the ambassadors,
& among them those of [[Ld. Sandwich]], & the Chevalier [[Robinson]]. The
picture, by [[Rubens]], of the adoraation of the Shepherds, was in the possession
of the French for 25 yrs. [years] & brought back by Blucher [[Blücher]], much [injured?]
by the rain, on the right angle. The introduction of Angels into
the painting, playing a concert on fiddle, harps, & guitars, not only
presents an unworthy idea of the celestial harmony of the
angelic choir, but completely destroys the effect of the Picture.
From hence I walked to the Bain's [impesiales?], situated nearly
in the centre of the town, by far the best, at the foot of the little [ri-
-sing?] ground, forming the market-place. The water of this source
is [captured?] within a walled cistern. It contains the most water,
the most warm & the most sulpherous. The vapours, which exhale
from them, if confined for a short time, deposite a great quantity
of sulphur, extremely pure, & which is calle the sulpher of the
bath in German: (Badschwefel) - . The depth of a bath is about
five feet, & all the walls are made of massive stones after the
Roman manner. The apartments are arched, & lighted from above
with a sort of valve for the vapours to escape thro' [through]. The little cham-
-bers contiguous to the baths have couches, & fireplaces. I could
scarcely bear to hold my hand, in the steam, over the source.
I took a tepid bath & paid 1. F & 1/2 for it -. near the Sudatory was
the following inscription on a wall -
"Thermas Palatinas"
"Caroli magni natatione"
"antiquitus [famigerditas?],"
"post prope mille annos"
"Imperator Neapolio"
"in memoriam tanti Principis"
"restituendas Jussit"
"Anno 1817."
Hence I went to the [[Münster]]. Between 796 & 804, Charle-
-magne adorned his native town, erected a magnificent Church
to the Virgin, glittering on all sides with silver, & gold. The doors
& the grates were in bronze. Marble was brought from [[Rome]] &
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