p. 19




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of gold, in which as percieved the head of many of those
11,000, virgins. The pastor exhibited the sacred relic him-
self. Putting on part of his vestments, verifing himself repea-
-tedly, he took off the scalf of one of the silver busts of the
virgins, & heaved it with much solemnity the head of the
first Bishop of Basle, who must have died of a sabre
wound, as the scull was nearly cleft in two by some in-
-strument; likewise the scull of St. Artinia, of the 13th
century, & the bones of the virgins arranged round the room.
The niches are filled with busts of the virgins containing the sculls of several "particularized". The bones were arranged in their present order 700 yrs since by some Saint Clematuis.
The Hotel de Gille professes a beautiful marbel portal,
composed of the two arcades, placed one above another of
wh: the higher is of the Roman, & the latter of the Corrinthian
order. The intervals are adorned with bas Reliefs. I was
unfortunately disappointed in the gratification of my wife
to see a German play, as the Theatre was closed this evening.
One day later I should have witnessed the representation
of Schillen's famous piece the "Robbers". The celebrated Rec-
-bens was born in the " Inacion d' I back once the residence of
Mary de Inedice'. The greater part of the inhabitabilty of Cologne are R.C. The navigation of the Rhine, which had scared entirely under the occupation of the French has recovered it's attractivity. In the evening we crossed over to Deutz, (Tuituim) vis a vis Cologne. The bridge, & the chatteau,
built by Constantine were destroyed in the 10th century by the
Archbishop Bruno. The view from this little villiage to
the left bank, along the whole line of the bustling town of
Cologne is particularly interesting. I have had a case of
eau de Cologne for 6 Fr. 10. wh: in England would have
cost 24: The indeed theduty upon 100 doz of bottle import-
-ed into England is £80. (Bill at hotel is 15 Fr.)
Place indiligence to aisle 24 Fr. Chapelle 11Fr. Cond.2&3 Fr.
at four a:m: I entered the Cabnolet of the diligence to proceed
on my route to aix La Chapelle by the way of Berghem, Is
Julien, a wretched , froamfry place, with extensive for life-
-cations, out of repair, garnered by Prupicans, Over the Inde,

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