p. 22
7th I only say with the [regrate?] of every one that our sailing this last 24-
hours has not [illegible?] 100 Miles, but we have got out of the Tropics for some time,
Today at 10 1/2 we had Church Serrvice as usuall, yesterday we had alot of [?] +
Strong sails put up, I belive that is the Custome before coming into the Cape
Seas as they are generley very rough, but I do not think that we will have
worse than we have hade, I cannot keep from laughing at the [Restive?] opinions
of some of our passangers, yet they are to be pitied, they know no better, as
their education has been neglected, Some would come up + say as respectfull
as they could good morning Sergeant, when will we get home do you think,
will we reach England in a fortnight do you think, I replied we will
not do that my good fellow, we have about 18,000 Miles yet, + may be
lie exposed to Calms + Storms, with a Sigh he would say well I am quite
knocked about hear, [hungred?], + my grog stoped for nothing, [diesent?] that
[illegible?] all, and the worst is there is a fine blooming young Girl like to
to make two hearts into one about my delay, + god knowed I cannot
go [illegible?] for no life of me, When did you know thy [far one?]
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