Diaries: 1943 January 14-1943 May 26; 1943 May 27-1943 October 13; Loose material from diaries



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14 with the Sebes family, at 4 p.m. I had to start to Marcsi, she is ill again, is all bones and skinny it looks like some tuberculosis of the intestines or the pancreas. I am anxious for her, she used to be thin before but never at such degree. From the Hajas (who both are very taciturn with regards world politics now) I met Hanna at the Western railway station as she hoped, Charlie will arrive with the 6 10 p.m. train. He did not so we said goodbye and here I am in my flat with Mme Tabonic’s book : Blackmail or war, to begin.

The German papers often mention now 1918. There are some events which point again towards a rapid and imminent conclusion of further developments: 1) Germany – who has long discarded from abroad diplomatic service her old-school diplomats, with the exception of von Papen, sent von Moltke to Spain as her new ambassador (Rather minister, I suppose. as Spain is no great power). 2.) As mentioned before, Swiss-German commercial relations are broken off. 3.) Often is

Last edit about 3 years ago by afielding
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15 mentioned the solidarity between Finland and the Scandinavian states, Finnish cabinet ministers visited Stockholm before a few days. 4.) Recent Anglo-American discussions in Washington * 5. ) It is stated that Montgomery’s 8th army will stop at the Tunisian frontier and their further work will be somewhere else. 6.) finally: general Marshall, chief of American [strikethrough] headquarters [/strikethrough] General staff is allegedly due to North-Africa. This shows that something picturesque is ahead, which he wats to be author of.

There are brand new expressions in German nomenclature, like this: elastic defence, mute weapons, detach himself from the enemy, transfer the battlefield. About Stalingrad’s defence they say today: whatever will be the result of the tragic fight… **

Jan [January] 25. Monday. I could not sleep last night, so at 2 a.m. this morning I turned on the radio again just in time to listen to the North-American service headline news and E. Montgomery’s commentary. He said that very probably the German and

* it has turned out to have happened in Casablanca

** Stalingrad has not yet fallen these days

Last edit about 3 years ago by afielding
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16 the Japanese meant to meet somewhere at the Persian Gulf, via Caucasus and Egypt, on the other side Indian Ocean and Ceylon, as at present they can’t be of much use to each other. He said Japan did not wish for a very much victorious Germany but at the same time she can’t afford to have Germany beaten. The guess is that sometime in the near future Japan has to make some move to relieve the strain put upon Germany. He did not say what he means by that. The guess is plausible but I wonder what this next move will be? An attaque [attack] upon Russia? This may prove too dangerous for Japan. Some submarine actions? What base from? Air attaques on the Pacifique [Pacific] cost [coast] of the States? It would not mean so much, apart from the damage done. Well, we again have to sit and wait and see.

A perfect sunshine today after a week or so of cloud, mist and utter darkness, but an icy northern gale blowing. I was fortunate enough to light my fire without [strikethrough] split [/strikethrough] kindling

Last edit about 3 years ago by afielding
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17 wood, as this is one of the few things not to be obtained. I used to be hungry sometimes now that available foodstuff is so monotonous, oranges and mandarins are scarce this year, 6-8 pengős per kilo.

It is rather decent on part of our high military authorities to delay the departure of our soldiers to the frontline, who should have to be off from the 17th January. It is no use sending them, nobody knowing, where? From Russian side new Hungarian losses are announced, this time about 70.000 men. A director of an ammunition factory (Vadasztothely) was called up last week (Sebreines jun.) to frontline service, without delay. Rather astonishing as ammunition factories used to have their personal released from military service. Not so bad though, as until now big industrials had been the most pro-nazi, as they earned tremendous sums with war going on. A few more calling up like this and they will be very considerate and quiet. I hate war but if somebody is pro-war, he should go to the frontline and help his friends. Being

Last edit about 3 years ago by afielding
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18 pro war and pro-nazi at home is no fun. German news-service attitude is pitiful these days. This noon they admitted the first time that the situation is very serious. They said: everybody is responsible! Then again: Victory depends only upon confidence towards your government! Everybody is needed, not very necessary shops will be closed, bars and dancings too. In restaurants no more (whatever inferior) free meals, without rations. Civilian life is promised to be just as hard as on the frontlines Again they want to convince you that it is inevitable to go on with war. This convincing business is the best of all. It will turn out at the end that Goebbels believed the all [all the] time, he did convince people with his propaganda. Either you have the [strikethrough] force [/strikethrough] power to force people to do what you tell them, so it was until now and probably is going to be for a time still – or you have not.

In France all civilian railway travel are stopped and the old port of Marseilles is evacuated. Are

Last edit about 3 years ago by afielding
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 259 in total