Diaries: 1944 November 11-1945 January 11; 1945 January 11-1945 March 11; Loose material from diaries



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Thököly ut, etc. Streetcars almost impossible, from noon on until after dark I had to walk almost all the time, without much result. Ernő did not come into town, shopping: nothing to buy, no cigarettes at Rami, etc, etc. A yellow star-patient told me, Swiss and Swedish cared for Jews are packed tight into some houses, all other Jews and Jewesses are evacuated and sent to Germany. No more yellow starred houses will remain. Today I am told, the Pope’s legale [?] [strikethrough] has [/strikethrough] given some papers too, but all these are closed down now and as I hear, many of them are not respected by the nyilas. Nyilas houses distribute clothing of all sort among their party members, all [strikethrough] robbed [/strikethrough] looted from Jewish houses and shops. Many of our simple people, nurses, char women are disgusted by these cruelties.

I got some lines from Ernő, they have soldiers in his house at Pécel, a practical joke considering his other guests. But this is the best sort of alibi.

I have seen two G. soldiers on the streetcar, travelling from the Eastern station to the Buda side of the Elisabeth bridge. They were haggard, ash grey, emaciated, as if after a very heavy wound or sickness, not yet properly recovered. They were with full war equipment. This must be the new drafting system, men not by far able for military service.

The Russians announce the capture of Gyömrő, Vámosgyörk and Rákoskeresztúr, but for us it is too slow. G.s and nyilas have leisure for all sorts of measures. It is like a slow motion picture.

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Nov. 17. Friday.

I went to town like a camel, full with parcels, but could deliver none. Ernő did not come into town, apparently and Mr Gonszlék I could not meet because of two alarms. I sat through the two alarms at the Oti shelters, rather tedious affair. At Oti center many of its officials are [strikethrough] missing [/strikethrough] absent, I am told, they had to evacuate, compulsorily, as nyilas party members. Serves them right! The move for Elza Horchler & family, her son Peter is with the G. school at the Sudetenland, she with Moki in Vienna, her husband still here, living with Gizi & Co, but ready any moment to be off. Teri Horchler has evacuated to the Balaton, with two children and a [strikethrough] lorryload [/strikethrough] truckload of food (how they could get so much!), Henrizi’s family out at Császár, Komárom megye. I can enjoy the idea, especially Elza out at Vienna.

I met Marguerite yesterday, Kuri is hiding, she is [strikethrough] anxious [/strikethrough] worried too, not to be taken by the G.s as hostage. Their estate and castle was taken yesterday by the so called G. legation, so Hédervár is condemned to death and ruin. She too has seen on the Vienna highway rows of Jewish cadavers. Frici Horchler sen. has seen yesterday on the Andrássy ut many Jewesses [strikethrough] to be [/strikethrough] driven somewhere, an old Jewess could not go fast enough and was shot there, on the Andrássy ut!

This afternoon from the streetcar I have seen many Jews and Jewesses driven from Döbrentei tér towards Döbrentei utca. Men went ahead as I could see, in overcoats, with armed nyilas guards.

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Women and children went behind, with unarmed nyilas guards, youngsters. No age was respected, old women and children of about 5 years were on the road, [strikethrough] terribly [/strikethrough] in thin [strikethrough] clothed [/strikethrough] clothing in the cold wind. You know, Jews used to be better off with clothing, so they were robbed of their warm things. Most of them wore, some knitted [strikethrough] lumberjacks [/strikethrough] sweaters or just in a dress, as one used to sit in a room, I have seen many of them, crying bitterly. No one in the street car, raised a word of protest or horror.

The town got some bombardment from the air and from the ground too. I can not be sorry for these people.

From Elly I hear, Mr Arnold, the Dutch consul has been arrested by the nyilas and released by a high police officer with aid of a trick. A Dutch Jewish couple disappeared, the nyilas having not respected their foreign citizenship and a very rich Dutch family, the man a former director of Philips, disappeared (reason: conspiration with Croatian partisans!) apparently to Germany, as the man sent a postcard to Mr Arnold from Hegyeshalom. He was earlier suspected [strikethrough] to [/strikethrough] of [strikethrough] collaborate [/strikethrough] collaboration with the nazis. I suppose, they will have his money, very probably foreign money or gold. Many cases are heard, [strikethrough] when [/strikethrough] of Swiss or Swedish protection papers [strikethrough] are [/strikethrough] being thorn into pieces. These legations seem to do nothing about those violations of international law. A convent was overrun by the nyilas too, all protected and the nuns [strikethrough] taken [/strikethrough] arrested, in the presence of the police. The [strikethrough] Pope’s legation [/strikethrough] Nunciature seems to have intervened, so the nuns were released a week later.

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Nov. 18. Saturday.

The morning I had to travel out to Kőbánya, to see Mr Gonczlik It was possible, that I could not return, but no, the Russians are not in such a [strikethrough] haste [/strikethrough] hurry. On my way out I have seen from the streetcar hundreds and hundreds of cattle, driven towards the [strikethrough] town [/strikethrough] city. They were drooping from fatigue. They are destined for Germany, may be, the Hortobágy cattle, beautiful oxen with large horns. The country is robbed entirely and systematically. [strikethrough] out. [/strikethrough] At Oti Pravdáné was waiting for me, with lovely goose liver, her husband sent me. Her daughter Anni with all fellow workers at the Optical factory, was told a few days ago, that they better be in readiness with warm clothing, as in a few days they will be deported with all factory equipment to Germany. She is not willing, of course, but I do not know, whether she will be able to avoid the danger.

Pravdáné has seen two Jewesses dead on the pavement of Garay utca yesterday. They were shot, because they were not able to follow the others. People there are shocked atmost by the nyilas cruelties. She says the policemen are fed up with the nyilas too.

The nyilas party, the national socialist party and the Eastern frontline brotherhood have done a merger today (fuzionáltak), I hope, they all will have to clear out of the country, soon. It will be a nice place without these scoundrels.

At my grocer’s a woman was telling her tale, her sister’s family [strikethrough] have hidden [/strikethrough] were hiding in their cellar at Vecsés for five days, as long the Russians have been in

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the place. The sixth day – until then nothing happened in their house, no looting – they have heard the G.s talking upstairs, they emerged from the cellar and found the G.s. looting everything, marmalades, preserves, all out in a wash basin taking away bedclothes, furniture, all their pigs slaughtered. They were chased away by the G soldiers. The woman added in the shop: I would have never believed this about the G.s! I could not help to say: I would.

Yesterday I met at Pilsudszky road a G. civilian motorist, he asked me on Hungarian, where Rege ut is. It is here in the hill, but I shook my head and answered: [strikethrough] on Hungarian: [/strikethrough] I never heard of it, have no idea. These are our small compensations at present.

Yesterday’s papers announced, that for these three days (and how many more?) no milk will be available even for small babies. There was no other milk for a long while, now not even these small amounts (4 deci daily). Cows are slaughtered by the relocating Gs so no wonder, there will be none, not for three days but for months to come. Dearest, how happy I am, you are out of all these!

Elko called me up tonight, he almost succumbed to a [strikethrough] small [?] [/strikethrough] Russian [strikethrough] hit [/strikethrough] bomb at hotel Gellért yesterday noon, when the restaurant corner of Gundel was hit. He was just going there to lunch. It was but disturbing flight, soon an alarm followed, so he did not look round to see Rami, whether his shop was damaged or not. I am anxious for Rami too, but for my cigarettes supply also. This is our daily life, you see. Pravdáné has seen some machine gunning today at a row,

Last edit about 3 years ago by kvance
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