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Minneapolis, Minn.

Hon Wm. Spry
Gov.State of Utah

Sir ....

I understand that you are going to carry out the States'
will by Legally shooting an innocent man, namely Joseph Hillstrom
who has as yet not been proven guilty by the State of Utah.

I again have to ask you to commute the sentence of my
comrade and countryman whom you know deep down in your heart is
entirely innocent of that shooting affair in Salt Lake. You want
to be careful that the State of Utah does not go to far in this
affair because when you have to come before the REAL COURT,
namely the PEOPLE you will find that you want to be careful
that the State does not COMMIT a HIENIOUS CRIME which it will
do, if you allow Joseph Hillstrom to be shot.

I implore you to use your executive power to free J.Hill
and if you do this will be a man amongst men but if you allow
Him to be shot then I must say I don't think much of Governors.
Hoping that you take action immediately and FREE an innocent MAN
I remain

Yours to PROGRESS.
C. W. Anderson

By a man who believes in the FREEDOM of the whole HUMAN RACE.
Be careful that you do not go to far.

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