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Minneapolis, Minn.
November,3. 1915.

Honorable William Spry
Governor State of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah


I wish to again bring the fact before you that you have in
jail in Salt Lake City one who is innocent of any crime whatsoever
and you know it. That man is Joseph Hillstrom. He has been sentenced
to be shot for a crime which he never commited and as yet the State
of Utah has not proven him guilty. Hillstrom was convicted on the
most flimsiest circumstantial evidence possible and thousands of
citizens all over the U.S. are arising in protest against this
damnable unlawliness of Utah. Again I say Utah must be going
backward instead of advancing as other states are doing at the
present time.

I again ask you to use your executive power to get Hillstrom
a new trial which is also being demanded by the people of the whole
country and I am sure if it is done Hillstrom will prove himself
Innocent which he of course is.

Are you going to let the State of Utah commit this crime
on the 19th. of November by letting Joseph Hillstrom be shot to
death without giving him a fair and impartial trial? The proposition
of having the state militia in readiness and also having a double
guard around the State Prison is proof enough that the State of
Utah does not want to deal out Justice to its citizens but just
wants to remain in the same Despotic state as Lords and Barons did
in the Feudal state hundreds of years ago. To tell you the truth
I am ashamed of the State of Utah.

You want to use your utmost influence to let Hillstrom
have a fair and impartial trial on the 19th of Nov. instead of
bringing him before a firing squad. I am a man who believes in the
Freedom of the human race and therefore I write these lines for that
purpose to urge you to do likewise. If you use your influence to
get Hillstrom a new trial you will be a man amongst men but if you
don't then I must say that Utah Justice is hopeless and rotten.
A Million citizens of the U.S. are waiting for you and Utah to
act intelligently by obtaining Hillstrom a new trial and I therefore
leave you thus awaiting your Progress in this matter.

Do something quick in Hillstrom's behalf.

I remain


C. W. Anderson

(By a man who believes in Freedom and Justice.)

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