Fragment of Supreme Court minute entry





been argued and submitted, and by the Court taken under advisement, now on this 10th day of February, 1877, this Court being fully advised in the premises, it is ordered, considered, adjudged and decreed by the Court now here, that all and [circled] singular [/circled] the judgment and sentence of the District Court of the Second Judicial District of Utah Territory be and the same is hereby affirmed, and the order denying the motion of said defendent, John D. Lee, to set aside the said judgment and for a new trial is hereby affirmed.

It further appearing to the Court, that so much of said sentence and judgment as ordered and adjudged the said John D. Lee to be executed on the 26th day of January, 1877, was, by an order of this court, made and entered on the 23rd day of January, 1877, so modified as to suspend the execution of said sentence until the further order of this Court: Now, therefore, it is further ordered that this cause be remanded to the said District Court of the Second Judicial District, and that said Court do preoceed to set and fix a day for carrying into execution the sentence and judgment of said court so affirmed.

Territory of Utah Salt Lake County


I, Ezra T. Sprague, Clerk of the Supreme Court of said Territory of Utah, do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a

Last edit about 4 years ago by agcastro


full, true and correct copy of the judgment and order of said Supreme Court in said cause, made and entered said tenth day of February, A.D. 1877, of record in my office.


In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said Court, this 21st day of February, A.D. 1877, E.T. Sprague Clerk."

And said defendant, John D. Lee, having on the 7th day of March, A.D. 1877, brought into Court by the United States Marshal, and arraigned at the 13th thereof, in open Court, on motion of Sumner Howard, Esq., United States District Attorney for the Territory of Utah, the Court proceeded to comply with the order and judgment of said Supreme Court, to set and fix a day for carrying into execution said sentence.

And the said John D. Lee after being so arraigned on the 13th of the Court, in open Court, having been asked by the Court if he had anything to say why the order of said Supreme Court directing this Court to proceed to set and fix a day for carrying into execution the sentence and judgment of the Court so affirmed, and answering in the negative:

It is therefore ordered, adjudged and determined by the Court, that the time for carrying into execution the judgment and sentence of this Court, heretofore rendered, on the 10th day

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Utah State Archives and Records Service
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